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    Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 3200003, Israel



    ניווט ב - Waze

    By Train

    You can get off the train at Hof Hacarmel station and take bus line 11 or line 1 from platform 16 at the nearby central bus station. Alternatively, you can get off the train at Merkazit Hamifrats station and take the cable car to the Technion.

    By Bus

    From Hof Hacarmel central bus station take line 1, or line 11 at platform 16.

    From Bat Galim Station take line 17, or 19a

    From Hadar take line 19

    From Merkazit Hamifrats central bus station take line 142.

    Frome Nazareth, take line 333 (G.B.Tours)

    Other lline reaching the Technion:
    31,76, 77 – Egged

    50 – Azorim