The Data Science and Engineering program will train you to make sense of the vast amounts of information created in the modern world. Through our curriculum, you will learn to develop methods for automatic understanding of text, build internet search engines, develop data analysis methods to identify business opportunities, develop techniques for analyzing information encoded in DNA sequences and even predict the outbreak and spread of epidemics by means of social networks.
Why study
The Data Science and Engineering program in the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences is one of the Technion’s most prestigious flagship programs. It was the first program of its kind in Israel to respond to the growing demand for professionals skilled in working with data in complex environments in light of the great importance of big data in many and varied fields.
In our program you will acquire the mathematical and algorithmic grounding that the profession demands, with an emphasis on computational learning, data analysis based on statistical and probability models and big data systems in distributed and parallel environments. Alongside in-depth training in these fields, the program includes special courses focusing on data science and engineering in fields such as cognitive sciences, microeconomics, data ethics and information privacy. These enable the program’s graduates to connect to all the business aspects of data work in an organization. Advanced courses and data laboratories enable students to specialize in diverse types of data such as textual, operational, sensory, economic, epidemiological and environmental information, as well as acquiring infrastructural knowledge in all relevant fields.
The program places great emphasis on combining theory and practice; in particular, continuous work throughout the degree with large databases both at the Technion and in leading companies in industry. During your studies you will be exposed to the leading data-based industries in the market and to challenging and fascinating work with their data through projects and summer internships.
Admission requirements
The admission requirements are updated each year and they are published on the Technion’s website.
Who is the Track Suitable For
Candidates with a Leaning Towards Technology
Candidates With Strong Analytical Abilities
Candidates who Want to Acquire the Profession of the Future
Faculty Members
The program’s academic faculty members are at the forefront of academic research and technological innovation in areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), statistics and probability, mathematical models for operations research, mathematical and computational game theory, algorithms and information systems, and more.
Employment Opportunities
If you aspire to develop the next generation of ChatGPT and Midjourney, this is the profession for you. Data Science engineers lead holistic and multidisciplinary processes of collecting, organizing, analyzing and effectively presenting data from diverse sources relevant to the organization’s business goals. The program’s graduates are in demand in a market where the shortage of workers is vast, employment conditions are excellent and a continuous increase both in demand and in wages is expected.
Specialization Track in Economics
The specialization track in economics provides knowledge and skills in a range of subjects that combine both economic theory and practice. The program places an emphasis on economic thinking and on developing an intuition for making economic decisions. The track comprises six courses that are offered as elective courses at the Technion. Graduates of this track will have an advantage as prospective candidates for advanced degree programs in economics. Continue Reading Specialization Track in Economics
Track in Cognitive Science
The cognitive science track enables students to combine the degree program in Data Science and Engineering with a specialization in the cognitive sciences. The track program is unique in the landscape of undergraduate cognitive science programs in Israel due to its computational orientation and its emphasis on the links between cognitive science and artificial intelligence (AI). The track further offers an opportunity to conduct a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Continue Reading Track in Cognitive Science
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- B.Sc. & M.Sc.
- 4.5
- עברית
תכנית אלונים
תכנית העילית “אלונים” מהווה מסלול ייחודי, מאתגר ויוקרתי במסגרת העתודה האקדמית של צה”ל והיא פותחת לך דלתות לשירות צבאי עם תרומה משמעותית לביטחון המדינה ולקריירה ענפה בתחומי הבינה המלאכותית (AI) וה-Data Science.
- M.Sc.
- 2 שנים
- עברית
תכנית ברקת
תכנית “ברקת” היא תכנית מצוינות במסגרת העתודה האקדמית של צה”ל, הכוללת תואר שני במדעי הנתונים בטכניון. התכנית מיועדת לתלמידים אשר השלימו תואר ראשון בהצטיינות בתחומי מתמטיקה, מדעי מחשב או פיזיקה בתקופת לימודיהם בתיכון. משך תכנית הלימודים הוא 4 סמסטרים כולל תזה. למתקבלי התכנית מובטחת מלגת שכר לימוד, מלגת קיום חודשית וזכאות למעונות בקמפוס והם יקבלו ליווי צמוד במהלך לימודיהם.