About the program

Ongoing developments in information technologies are enabling the creation of information systems in a variety of fields, with an ever-increasing scale and sophistication. At the same time, users’ demands from information systems are also growing. Information system engineers are required to develop applications and products whose complexity and intricacy are constantly increasing. These systems utilize the latest technologies such as communication and distributed systems, command and control using artificial intelligence, data organization and retrieval, organizational resource management systems, e-commerce systems, integrated hardware and software systems and decision support systems.

The master’s program in Information Management Engineering includes research fields in system engineering and systems analysis, software engineering, software testing and verification, databases and data storage, artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, communication and distributed systems.

The program confers an M.Sc. in Information Management Engineering

Graduates of the program will be able to participate in academic and industrial research and development activities utilizing the knowledge and research skills developed during the course of the program. During research, graduate students will be able to discover new principles and methods that will enhance systems or form the basis for repurposed systems. Another option is an emphasis on development, where graduates will be able to create or improve infrastructure products for information systems or intelligent and complex information systems for organizations.

Admission requirements

Honors graduates with a B.Sc. in Information System Engineering from the Technion or other recognized universities will be admitted for studies. Candidates who have completed a B.Sc. in Computer Science, Data Science and Engineering, Mathematics or Industrial Engineering and Management who have completed their B.Sc. with honors may be required to take supplementary courses.
A minimum final average of 86 is required to apply.

Supplementary Courses

Students are required to have a knowledge infrastructure in most of the following areas: basic information technologies, software engineering, algorithmics and operations research, artificial intelligence, communication, data mining, databases and cognitive sciences. Ideally, introduction to these fields takes place within Information System Engineering undergraduate studies. Students who are accepted into the program and have not studied the supplementary courses (or equivalent subjects) listed in the table below will be required to take these courses or their equivalents. Students with supplementary status must obtain a grade of at least 78 and an average of at least 80 in each of the supplementary subjects in order to transition to the status of a regular student. The student must complete all supplementary requirements within 2 semesters – repeating a supplementary course is not possible.

The list of supplementary courses will be determined according to the student’s academic background by the degree admissions committee.


Course Number Course Name Pts.
02340221 Introduction to Computer Science N 4
00940210 Computer Architecture and Operating Sys. 3.5
00940241 Database Management 3
00940223 Data Structures and Algorithms 4
00940424 Statistics 1 3.5
00940314 Stochastic Models in Oper.research 3.5
00960224 Distributed Data Management 3.5
00960210 Foundations and Applications of Artifici 3.5
00960250 Distributed Information Systems 3.5
00960411 Machine Learning 1 3.5
00950140 Project Planning and Management 3.5
Course in Behavioral sciences


To complete the degree, a graduate of a previous four-year degree must complete 20 credits from advanced degrees (+ 2 mandatory English credits) and a research paper as part of a thesis. A graduate of a three-year degree is required to complete 32 credits, of which up to 10 can be in advanced undergraduate subjects.

The collection of courses defined for the program reflects the research areas relevant to the field. The student must choose one subject from each of the following lists:

Please note!

Students who have completed 2 subjects from a list as part of their B.Sc. may be exempted from taking a course from the list, with the approval of the head of the program.

Each course can be taken into account under only one list.

The course lists will be updated from time to time.

Elective courses (to complete 22 credits) – according to the advisor’s authorization

Course Number Course Name Pts.
00960208 Automatic Planning 3.5
00970211 Fault Tolerant Networks Protocols 3.5
00970329 Probablistic Algorithms 2.5
00970280 Algorithms in Uncertain Scenarios 3
00960326  Algorithms in Scheduling 3.5
00960265 Algorithms in Logic 3
00970244 Cognitive Robotics 2.5
00970247 The Internet of Things (iot) 3

Course Number Course Name Pts.
00960415 Topics in Regression 3
00960425 Time Series and Forecasting 2.5
00970449 Nonparametric Statistics 2.5
00960450 Multiple Comparisons 2.5
00970414 Statistics 2 3
00970470 Semiparametric Models 2
00980413 Stochastic Processes 3.5
00980414 Theory of Statistics 3
00980460 Applied Multivariate Analysis 3.5

Course Number Course Name Pts.
00960231 Math Models in Advanced Info.retrieval 3
00960293 Machine Learning in Portfolio Selection 2.5
00970200 Deep Learning 3.5
00970209 Machine Learning 2 3.5
00970225 Perturbation Methods in Machine Learning 2.5
00960262 Information Retrieval 3.5
00960324 Service Engineering 3.5
00970135 Multidisciplinary Research in Service 3.5
00970215 Methods in Natural Language Processing 3
00970216 Natural Language Processing 2.5
00970248 Machine Learning For Healthcare 3
00970400 Causal Inference 2.5
00960212 Probabilistic Graphical Models 2

Course Number Course Name Pts.
00960327 Nonlinear Models in Operations Research 3.5
00960335 Optimization Under Uncertainty 3.5
00960336  Optimization Methods in Machine Learning 2
00960351 Polyhedral Methods For Integer Prog 2.5
00970334 Algebriac Methods For Integer Progrmming 2.5
00980311 Optimization 1 3.5
00980312 Optimization 2 3
00980331 Linear and Combinatorial Programming 3.5

Course Number Course Name Pts.
00960211 Electronic Commerce Models 3.5
00960226 Computation 2.5
00960291 Algorithmic and High-frequency Trading 2
00960501 Economics For Systems Engineers 3
00960578 Social Choice and Preference Aggregation 2.5
00960606 Behavioral Econ. in Technological Env. 3
00960690 Behavioral Economics 2.5
00970245 Mechanism Design For Data Science 2
00970246 Social Computing Models
00970317 Cooperative Game Theory 2.5
00960292 Predictive Analytics in Fintec 3
00960586 Econometrics 3.5
00970510 Continuous Time Models in Finance
00960693 Psychological and Cognitive Networks 3
00960694 Metacognition 2.5
00980292 Creativity: Mind 2
00970140 Advanced Project Management Techniques
00960275 The Human Factor in Data Collection
00960235 Intelligent Interactive Systems[1]
00960617 Cognition and Decision Making 2.5
00970140 Advanced Project Management Techniques 3.5
00960625 Cognition in Information Visualization 3

[1] Can also be considered under data course

The course lists will be updated from time to time.

Elective courses (to complete 22 credits) – according to the advisor’s authorization

Student’s Obligations

Completion of course requirements: All students are required to complete all course requirements.
Completing a thesis: The main part of the master’s degree is completion of a 20-credit research paper [2].
Submitting the thesis: Before completing the research, the student must present it in a field seminar paper (at least a month, but no more than a year before submission). The student must publish notice of the seminar according to the Technion’s rules in coordination with the seminar coordinator.
Graduate seminars: Each student must attend 10 seminars in fields relevant to their research. You must register for the mandatory course, Graduate Seminar 1 (00980409) 0 credits

According to the graduate school’s regulations, a 12-credit final paper can be authorized instead of a research paper or a research project. In those special cases, the student will be required to study additional courses with the permanent advisor’s authorization, of at least 8 credits. The thesis must be submitted approximately 24 months after the beginning of studies.



Additional Regulations

An honors student during the master’s degree program may transfer to the direct track to a doctorate in accordance with the procedures of the graduate school.

The main part of the master’s degree program is completion of a 20-credit research paper. According to the graduate school’s regulations, a 12-credit final paper can be authorized instead of a research paper or a research project. In those special cases, the student will be required to study additional courses with the permanent advisor’s authorization, of at least 8 credits.

Students who wish to continue to doctoral studies will be required to comply with the graduate school’s procedures.

The requirements that apply to the student are those that were defined in the year in which they were accepted for studies; however, the faculty reserves the right to define additional scholastic requirements beyond those defined at the time of admission.