Yom-Tov, Galit
Associate Professor
+ 972-73-378-4510
Bloomfield 519
Galit Yom-Tov is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences at the Technion. Her research focuses on operations of service systems, in particular, healthcare and contact centers. Prof. Yom-Tov is the co-director of the SEE-Lab (Service Engineering Enterprise) – a worldwide hub for research and teaching in Service Engineering. Her research aims to build models for understanding the impact of customer and agent behavior on service systems and to incorporate these behaviors into operational models of such systems. Her multidisciplinary research approach applies a combination of Data Science and Stochastic Modeling to archives of digital traces from service systems. Her recent work used such data to study the dynamics of customer emotions in contact centers, the reaction of customers to waiting announcements in emergency departments, as well as other aspects of service delivery. Prof. Yom-Tov has published her work in leading operations research journals, including Management Science, M&SOM, OR, and Stochastic Systems.