Congratulations to Prof. Eitan Naveh, as he won the Second IACMR-RRBM Award for Responsible Research, for his article (co-authored with Katz-Navon, T.) “A longitudinal study of an intervention to improve road safety climate: Climate as an organizational boundary spanner”. (2015) This study presents and tests an intervention by the Israeli National Road Safety Authority to enhance road safety climate within organizations and its influence on employee driving. A longitudinal, with an intervention versus control experimental design, revealed that increasing road safety climate within an organization significantly improves employee driving. Although driving is a life-and-death issue with high costs to organizations, it occurs outside the organization’s physical boundaries, where managers cannot directly supervise. By creating a specific climate, managers may influence employee behaviors within the organization, with potential spillover effects to employee behaviors outside of their work life. From the winning announcement: This award is to honor high-quality research that addresses critical issues in business and society and that best exemplify the principles of responsible research. Through responsible research, business schools can contribute credible knowledge that will enable business and management practices to become a force for good and make the world a better place for all. We hope this award will lead to positive changes in business research culture, one that honors and celebrates research that matters to society beyond academic circles.
Prof. Eitan Naveh Winner of the Second IACMR-RRBM Award