Job Posting
The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences solicits candidate applications for a tenure track position starting Oct 2025.
The application submission deadline is Nov 30, 2024.
The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences of the Technion (DDS@Technion), previously known as the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, has multiple tenure-track faculty positions available at its Technion campus, located in Haifa, Israel. The Technion is the leading technical university in Israel and Haifa hosts a vibrant, cutting-edge high-tech industry, with strong ties to the research fields of the Faculty. The Technion is the home of Nobel prize laureates, groundbreaking research and fundamental intellectual contributions, and is recognized as a prime contributor to the Israeli start-up industry.
DDS@Technion is a home for multidisciplinary research activities, largely focused around the fields of data science and engineering, optimization and operations management, quantitative social sciences and behavioral sciences. Our research spans over:
- Data Sciences: including data management, machine learning and artificial intelligence with applications to fields like natural language processing, computer vision, information retrieval and robotics, visualization, AI explainability, data privacy, and Human-AI interactions.
- Optimization: continuous and discrete, convex and non-convex, batch and online, deterministic and stochastic, as well as design and analysis of efficient and effective optimization algorithms.
- Theory of probability and statistics and their applications to fields like complex system analysis, medical data analysis and operations management.
- Economics and computation: game theory, algorithmic game theory, mechanism design, auctions and behavioral economics.
- Behavioral sciences: behavioral economics, organizational behavior, cognitive processes, human factors engineering, consumer psychology.
- Management sciences: marketing, project management, production systems and scheduling, supply chain management, finance, e-commerce.
DDS@Technion has long been a powerhouse of groundbreaking and award winning research in the above fields. The Faculty offers a friendly environment which supports top quality research and emphasizes cross discipline collaborations. With its wide span of academic fields and a long history of excellence, it provides a unique combination of intellectual depth and a real world impact. In addition to its traditional BSc degree in Industrial Engineering and Information Systems, since 2015 DDS@Technion offers a BSc degree in Data Science and Engineering, the first of its kind in the world. The students in this new track are among the best in the campus. The Faculty further offers MSc degrees under the above titles as well as in operations research and behavioral sciences in addition to an MBA program.
Tenure-track faculty must hold the equivalent of a Ph.D. Applicants must have demonstrated an ability to conduct outstanding research. Successful candidates are expected to pursue an active research program, to teach graduate and undergraduate courses, and to supervise graduate students.
To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by December 1st, but will be accepted until all open positions are filled.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and statements of research and teaching interests, identify up to three top papers to which they have made significant contributions, and provide the names of at least three reference letter writers.
The submission should be done by email to ac_ddsdean@technion.ac.il The email should clearly state the intent of the applicant to be considered as a candidate for a tenure-track faculty position at the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences, Technion.