Master's degree in Economics with a specialization in Behavioral Economics

  • The curriculum combines classical economics with additional aspects such as: learning, social and emotional factors, cognitive biases, unique psychological traits, and bounded rationality.
  • The program is offered exclusively as a thesis-based track.
  • Graduates of the program are awarded a “Master of Arts in Economics” degree with a specialization in behavioral economics. The specialization is indicated in a specialization supplement attached to the degree certification.

Program Objectives

The goal of economics programs is to deepen and broaden theoretical knowledge in economics, while specializing in specific topics. The programs expose students to cutting-edge research in economics, and graduates are prepared to join research systems in the economy and academia.

Teaching Staff

The teaching staff in the programs includes all faculty members in the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences, as well as faculty members from the Economics Department at the University of Haifa. Courses will be offered both on the University of Haifa campus and on the Technion campus.

Research Topics

The faculty encourages interdisciplinary research topics and collaborations between the different areas within the faculty. A student from any field of study can choose a supervisor (and a research topic accordingly) from a list of all faculty members. Behavioral economics students can also choose supervisors from the University of Haifa. Recommended topics include behavioral economic analysis of various methods for using big data, and the use of big data to advance the understanding of fundamental questions in behavioral economics.


The following is a detailed breakdown of the degree requirements. The point values for courses and the thesis differ between the two institutions. Sometimes even the official name of the course differs between the institutions, therefore the tables below list the course names and credits in two versions. The course requirements for the program include required courses, elective courses, and the writing of a research thesis as detailed below.

Technion Haif Umiversity
Course Number Course Name Credit Points Course Number Course Name           Credit Points
00960520 Microeconomic Theory 1 3.5 5200 Microeconomic Theory 1 4
00960531 Mathematical Methods in Economics (*) 2.5 5102 Mathematical Methods in Economics (*) 3
00980511 Macroeconomic Theory A 3 5204 Macroeconomic Theory 1 4
00980512 Macroeconomic Theory B 3 5205 Macroeconomic Theory 2 4
00960530 Macroeconomic Theory B 3.5 5202 Macroeconomic Theory 2 4
00980581 Advanced Econometrics 3.5 5600 Advanced Econometrics 4
Sum 19     23

*If taken as an elective course during undergraduate studies, this course must be replaced by another course with the same number of credits.

Elective Courses

All students must take at least 11 credits at the Technion.

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