
In an era of digital automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) – computerized information about business and organizational processes is a major engine for growth. Thanks to training that connects the forefront of computing technologies and the principles of business processes, undergraduate studies in Information System Engineering will prepare you for the post-digital revolution era and enable you to lead complex projects, providing employers with the best infrastructure to achieve their business goals.

Information System Engineering involves planning, building and implementing information systems with an emphasis on innovations in software technology, adapting information systems to current demands and long-term needs, information analysis involving complex systems and quantitative operations research. The profession requires mathematical and algorithmic depth and relies on knowledge of information technologies, operations research and optimization, statistics and computational learning, as well as business and organizational processes and user psychology.

Why study

The undergraduate program in Information System Engineering in the Technion’s Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences is a leader in Israel in training information system engineers with an emphasis on quantitative methods and automation of information processing for managing complex systems.

The faculty’s studies combine high academic standards with practical application. You will find answers to the ‘hottest’ questions in the era of digital automation. For example:

  • How does cloud computing work?
  • How to maintain privacy in the era of social media
  • How to conduct e-commerce and tenders with multiple users
  • How to set up recommendation systems based on Big Data
  • How to link pieces of information that are distributed across remote sites


The program’s academic faculty members are at the forefront of academic research and technological innovation in areas such as algorithmics and information systems, mathematical models for operations research, artificial intelligence and machine learning, mathematical and computational game theory, statistics and probability, cognitive and organizational psychology, and more.

Admission requirements

The admission requirements are updated each year and are published on the Technion’s website

Who is the Track Suitable For?

  • Brain

    Candidates who are Interested in Combining Technology and Business Processes

  • Decorative

    Candidates with Strong Analytical Abilities

  • Data

    Candidates Who Aspire to Lead Complex Projects in the Field of Information Systems

Employment Opportunities

The program’s graduates are in demand in a huge market that is in its first stages of development with the advancement of the digital automation era, an era in which the information system occupies an increasingly central place.

See our additional tracks at the faculty

    • B.Sc.
    • 4 Years
    • Hebrew

    Industrial Engineering and Management

    Do you want to prepare yourself for the era after the digital revolution? In an era of dizzying technological and business innovation, Industrial Engineering and Management studies will prepare you to improve and optimize the supply chain, the production system and service – with emphasis on innovative technologies and use of data. You will learn how to reduce the waste of time, materials and resources in organizations and improve the system’s performance.

    • B.Sc.
    • 4 Years
    • Hebrew

    Data Science and Engineering

    The Data Science and Engineering program will train you to make sense of the vast amounts of information created in the modern world. Through our curriculum, you will learn to develop methods for automatic understanding of text, build internet search engines, develop data analysis methods to identify business opportunities, develop techniques for analyzing information encoded in DNA sequences and even predict the outbreak and spread of epidemics by means of social networks.

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